Human Development Index of Bangladesh
With an estimated 159,000,000 people living in Bangladesh, is the eighth-largest country in the world. Population growth has slowed significantly; however, the fertility rate has dropped from 6.33 live births per adult woman in 1975 to 2.15 in 2018, which is a re-established birth rate. Bangladesh is also facing a complete migration.
According to the United Nations Development
Program (UNDP), Bangladesh is ranked 135th out of 189 countries in the 2019
Human Development Index. Bangladesh HDI stands at 0.614, has a lifespan of 72.3
years at birth, 11.2 years of out-of-school education, and a GNI of $ 4,057 per
Bangladesh HDI value and
Bangladesh's 2018 HDI value rating is 0,614—, which puts the country in the
category of 189 people development in 135 countries and territories. This
category is shared with Micronesia (Federated States of). Between 1990 and
2018, Bangladesh's HDI index rose from 0.388 to 0.614, an increase of 58.3
percent. Bangladesh continuation on each HDI display between 1990 and 2018,
Bangladesh's life expectancy at birth increased by 14.1 years, general school
education increased by 3.2 years and school education increased by 5.6 years.
Between 1990 and 2018, each GNI of Bangladesh increased by 198.7 percent.
According to the Human Development Report (HDI)
2010, as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI), Bangladesh is one of
the most developed countries in recent decades. Bangladesh HDI has grown by 81
percent in the last 30 years. With its limited benefits, Bangladesh remains a
country in need of sustainable and sustainable development assistance.
It is estimated that 14.8% of the population will
continue to live below the global poverty line as of 2016 according to the
World Bank. With the gender ratio of 19: 20.1980, Bangladesh's growth rate
began to decline. The overall fertility rate is now 2.05. The population is
small, 34 percent aged 15 or younger and 5 percent 65 or older. Life expectancy
at birth was 72.49 years in 2016.
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